Print Your THEATRICAL Headshots

As an actor you are, at every step, selling yourself, whether it be to directors, casting directors, agents, producers, or ad agencies you need to print headshots to boost your opportunities.

What’s a theatrical headshot? 

This is your serious shot. Think of it as the headshot of a serious actor. It can be divided into two areas that make it a theatrical headshot.

They are used for TV and film and actual theatre work in front of live audiences.
They represent a broader spectrum because, in a nutshell, you are telling life stories real or imagined. So the spectrum of images to cover your casting is what you are looking for. They are not smiley.

But for the most part, theatrical headshots are straightforward, have no smiles, are more dramatic, and also cover your casting range. It is important to note that while trying to cover your casting you are not getting to Halloween about it.

What makes headshots so important?

Actually, headshots are one of the most effective and important tools an actor has in order to get the first break of his/her acting career. Your headshot is your first audition, of sorts. Your headshot is used by casting directors, casting associates, talent agents, directors, and producers to simply give them a picture of what you look like before they decide whether or not you are right for the role they have been casting.

Commercial Headshots

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