GET YOUR Digital Portfolio​

Your modeling or acting portfolio is essentially your resume.

It should have everything you need to make a good impression and showcase what you can do, so it should obviously include your most flattering photos and video samples.

You can add short video versions to your E-book that you’ll be bringing with you to all your interviews.

Digital Portfolio Tutorial

1. Plug your E-book into your computer using a USB Cable. (it should function similar to a thumb drive or other external memory)
2. Locate “E-book” Drive(it usually will auto launch depending on your computer setup)
3. Drag desired video file into your E-book drive folder.
4. Confirm video file name starts with a number “01”, “02”, “03” etc corresponding with the order in which it should play.
5.Delete any unwanted video files Unplug from computer
6. Open E-book to test video function

Note: Video files must be .mp4 or .AVI you can also reduce quality.

As you age, it’s important that you update your portfolio with newer photos and videos.

At the same time, have new photos taken every once in a while to show how you are able to keep up with the latest trends.