Print Your Commercial Headshots

As an actor, you are selling yourself at every step of the journey. Whether you need to impress casting directors, agents, producers, or ad agencies, printed headshots are a great way to boost your opportunities.

What’s a headshot? 

Headshots are simply an actor’s photo but they are absolutely required when looking for work as an actor.

Traditionally, a headshot is a photo taken from the shoulders upwards, essentially a picture of your head and neck, with perhaps a little bit of shoulder shown, too. A headshot is designed to give a good perspective, or provide a good idea, of what a person really looks like. Headshots must clearly and accurately present that person’s facial features and show clear detail that would otherwise not be present in a full body photo.

What is a commercial headshot?

A bright, happy, smiling photo.

Your expression should also be friendly in nature. A nice smile or relax expression that tells people you’re a friendly person.

It’s really that simple, just have your clothing and your expression appropriate for either a theatrical headshot or a commercial headshot.

For the commercial acting headshot you should wear colors that are more colorful and fun. Any color that brings a light friendly bright happy attitude with it. These should also not be pastels. Think, blue, red, yellow any color with a pop.

Commercial Headshots

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